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Other News: (submitted by G. Link)

Veterans Day 2024: November 11

Veteran Population

Did You Know?

15.8 million

The number of military veterans in the United States in 2023, representing 6.1% of the total civilian population age 18 and over.

Honoring Our Nation’s Veterans

1.7 million

The number of female veterans in the United States in 2023, representing 10.9% of the total veteran population.


The share of veterans in 2023 who served during World War II. Additionally, 3.5% of veterans served during the Korean War; 33.0% during the Vietnam War; 24.8% during the Persian Gulf War; and 28.0% during the Post-9/11 period (September 2001 to present).


The percentage of veterans in 2023 who were Hispanic or Latino (of any race). Additionally, 72.2% of veterans were White alone (not Hispanic or Latino); 12.6% Black or African American alone; 2.0% Asian American alone; 0.8% American Indian or Alaska Native alone; 0.2% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander alone; and 2.8% Some Other Race alone. The percentages include only those who reported a single race.


The share of veterans 75 and older in 2023. At the other end of the age spectrum, 8.3% of veterans were younger than age 35.




Percent Change in Veteran Population by State from 2000 to 2020

Source:  VetPop2018 


Prepared by the National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics,
Office of Enterprise Integration, Department of Veterans Affairs,
March 8, 2020


State Percent Change from 2000 to 2020
Alabama -19%
Alaska -6%
Arizona -11%
Arkansas -28%
California -35%
Colorado -13%
Connecticut -45%
Delaware -16%
District of Columbia -34%
Florida -19%
Georgia -11%
Hawaii -5%
Idaho -10%
Illinois -39%
Indiana -30%
Iowa -31%
Kansas -26%
Kentucky -24%
Louisiana -26%
Maine -29%
Maryland -27%
Massachusetts -42%
Michigan -37%
Minnesota -32%
Mississippi -25%
Missouri -28%
Montana -17%
Nebraska -26%
Nevada -8%
New Hampshire -29%
New Jersey -48%
New Mexico -21%
New York -44%
North Carolina -13%
North Dakota -12%
Ohio -34%
Oklahoma -21%
Oregon -24%
Pennsylvania -37%
Rhode Island -38%
South Carolina -6%
South Dakota -18%
Tennessee -18%
Texas -11%
Utah -17%
Vermont -32%
Virginia -10%
Washington -18%
West Virginia -30%
Wisconsin -31%
Wyoming -18%
Puerto Rico -42%
Island Areas & Foreign -53%
Grand Total -26.3%

Source: Those Who Served: America’s Veterans From World War II to the War on Terror American Community Survey Report By Jonathan E. Vespa Issued June 2020 ACS-43

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