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Member Rosters

There are three member rosters listed below that have been made available for member use.  They are:

(1) full member names and addresses roster,
(2) member names only roster with dues paid thru date, and
(3) member names with e-mail addresses roster
The first roster lists member names, addresses, and phone numbers.  The second roster provides only member names in alphabetical order followed by a two digit number indicating the year through which that member's dues are paid.  If that year is 17 or higher, then that member dues are current.  The third roster lists known e-mail addresses of our members.

All rosters are password protected.  If you do not know the password which is required to open the rosters, please contact us using the "contact us" page. Jerry Link will provide you with the password.  You may download the rosters to your hard drive for later review if desired.

To open any roster, simply use your mouse and left click the roster you wish to access listed below:

(1) Members with addresses, & phone numbers (updated 01/16/2025)

(2) Member names with dues paid through year (updated 01/16/2025)

(3) Member e-mail addresses (updated 01/16/2025)

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